Saturday, February 16, 2013


Battletoads for the NES… ugh… do I ever have a extreme love hate relationship with this one.   For a NES beat em up it’s very well put together graphic wise and the level designs were all very unique… expect that you will never see most of them because most of the game is impossible.   20 some years this game has existed and more than three dozen some times I’ve attempted  I still can’t get by the third stage, the only reason I even begin to know what the other stages look like is because of the fact that we used to have a game genie when we younger that allowed us to skip levels.   This game is evil.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fire Emblem Awakening

The first current generation game to enter my collection this year is Fire Emblem Awakening, for the 3DS.    I haven’t played it yet since I just got home with it, but as much as I like Fire Emblem, I pretty sure it will disappoint me little.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Chrono Cross

Time to start the year and collection count new once again, starting with a PlayStation classic, Chrono Cross.   Now I have a very weird connection with this game, mostly recalling how utterly confusing the entire plot was the very first time I played it.   As a result for a long time I wasn’t extremely clear on what exactly was going on or the whole point.   So even though I beat the game years ago I was still very unclear on a lot of the story being told.   I understand better now but it still creates kind of an odd perspective doesn't it?